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Frequently asked questions
Our company can help you clean virtually any solar panel you have

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How often do I need to clean my solar panels?

It really depends on where you live. Most areas in Southern California we recommend at least twice a year. However, if you are in an area that has a lot of dust or areas affected by ash from wildfires, you may need to have them cleaned more often. The cleaner your panels, the more energy you will produce.

Do I really need to clean my solar panels?

Absolutely. Dirty solar panels lose up to 25% of their energy production. Losing power means losing money. Many times the reason you have a remaining bill at the end of the year, whether it's $200 or $1000, is because the panels are too dirty to produce what they are supposed to. Plus, who wants to look at dirty panels?!

Does cleaning my panels void the solar warranty?

No. As long as you are using purified water that does not leave hard water spots and not using any chemicals, cleaning your panels will not void your warranty. As a matter of fact, it protects your warranty. Power loss as a result of dirty solar panels will typically void the production warranty in your solar contract. They catch you with the fine print!

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I leased my panels, doesn't the lease company take care of the cleaning for me?

No. Leased systems are owned by the solar company, however, most lease contracts obligate the homeowner to keep the panels clean. Dirty solar panels are the main factor that allows lease companies to void the production guarantee on your lease contract.

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Protect your investment by increasing your system’s production and maximizing your energy credits to lower the cost of your electric bill. Click the button below to get your free quote now!

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